
4 марта 2015

ISAGO registration of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport

JSC «Airport Tolmachevo» has completed registration procedure under the ISAGO program standards.

During the audit was checked: organization and management, passenger and baggage handling, cargo and mail handling, aircraft handling and ground movement and Load control. In result of this audit and followed corrective action implementation JSC «Airport Tolmachevo» has been registered under ISAGO, confirming compliance of the ground handling procedures to the ISAGO standards and Recommended Practices.

Airport Tolmachevo has been included in the ISAGO Provider registry. Registered Services: Organization and Management, Load Control, Passenger and Baggage Handling, Aircraft Handling and Loading, Aircraft Ground Movement, Cargo and Mail Handling.

Compliance with the ISAGO standards and Recommended Practices indicates a high level of safety and quality of service for passengers and airlines, reduces the number of hazards on the ground affecting flight safety, reduces the amount of damage to aircraft on the ground, reduces injuries, and avoids redundant audits of the airport. 

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity – up to 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories.

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