
30 ноября 2018

New Routes are Added to the Subsidy Program for Air Service from Novosibirsk to the Far East

The Government of RF extended the subsidy program for air service under the Decree dated 2 March 2018, №215 by changing the program duration and including new routes and passenger categories.

Photo by Maksim Zotov

For instance, the program, being previously in force from 1 March to 30 November, passes into the year-round mode from 1 January of 2019. In addition, the program is extended to persons having a large family certificate or other documents, confirming the status of a large family.

In accordance with the introduced changes, in addition to the previously subsidized routes the flights between Novosibirsk and Blagoveshchensk, Norilsk and Neryungri were included into the program.

It should be noted that under the Decree of the RF Government dated 2 March 2018, №215 air transportation from Novosibirsk is being subsidized for certain categories of citizens in eight cities of the Far East: Yakutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Mirny, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Polyarny. Flights are operated by S7 Airlines, Aurora, Yakutia and ALROSA airline companies.

Photo by Alexey Litvinov

Photo by Andrew Neiman

Tolmachevo airport successfully develops its transfer potential effectively using the possibility of combining several programs of state support for air service. For instance, the passengers travelling from the cities of the Far East with a transfer in Tolmachevo grant access to extensive route network of regional airline companies as well as to medium-haul and long-haul flights, operated from the airport.

To get detailed information and check flight schedule use airline companies websites, the "Timetable" section of Tolmachevo airport website and the phone number +7 383 216-99-99 (call centre of Tolmachevo airport) and 221-60-16 (air ticket offices of Tolmachevo airport). Tickets can be purchased in the air ticket offices of Tolmachevo airport and other air ticket offices of Novosibirsk.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub east of the Urals on the main air routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, and international terminal capacity is 1,300 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II categories.

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