
20 марта 2014

To Omsk and Salekhard with IrAero airlines

Flight 271 departs from Omsk to Novosibirsk at 08:00 a.m., from Novosibirsk to Salekhard – at 10:40 a.m. Departure time of the return Flight 272 from Salekhard to Novosibirsk – 01:30 p.m., from Novosibirsk to Omsk – 08:30 p.m. Local times apply.


Thus, the overall number of flights to Omsk performed by IrAero airlines will increase up to two weekly flights, in the short term the flight frequency is expected to increase up to three weekly flights.

You can purchase air tickets on websites of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport (www.tolmachevo.ru) and IrAero airlines (www.iraero.ru) as well as in all ticket offices of Novosibirsk. For further information, please contact us at 8 (383) 216-97-50 or 216-97-51.


NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity – up to 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories. In 2013 the passenger traffic exceeded 3.7 mln passengers and cargo traffic totalled 29.9 thousand tons of cargo and mail handled. In 2014 the airport expects to serve 4.2 mln passengers and handle over 32 thousand tons of cargo and mail.

IrAero airline is the largest airline company in the Irkutsk region which provides services on passenger and cargo aviation market since 1999. Flight geography of IrAero covers over 20 regions of the Russian Federation as well as the CIS countries and abroad. The airline’s fleet comprises fifteen An-24 and An-26 and six Bombardier CRJ-200LR aircraft.

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