
15 июня 2018

Tolmachevo Became the First Regional Airport, Which Came Into China Friendly

Tolmachevo airport became the first major regional air hub and the second in Russia after Sheremetyevo airport, which confirmed the certification in accordance with the requirements of the China Friendly program.

On June 14, a press conference was held at the airport dedicated to the joining of the airport into the China Friendly program and the development of air communication between Novosibirsk and China, which was attended by the acting Deputy Chairman of the government of the Novosibirsk region-Minister of economic development of the Novosibirsk region Olga Molchanovа, General Director of JSC "Airport Tolmachevo" Evgeniy Yankilevich, Executive Director of the travel Association "World without borders" Alexander Agamov, representatives of Russian and Chinese airlines flying from Novosibirsk to China, industry experts, Federal and regional media.

Within the framework of the event, the issues of improving the service of citizens of China and the technologies of the airport as a convenient interchange hub for passengers from China, the development of the route network, increasing the volume of passenger traffic between Novosibirsk and the cities of China, etc. were discussed.

The participants of the press conference noted the rapidly growing interest of Chinese tourists to Novosibirsk and its opportunities as a interchange hub for travel to the cities of Russia, literally over the past four years. Thus, from the statistics provided by Olga Molchanova, almost half of foreign tourists entering the Novosibirsk region are citizens of China.

Novosibirsk air hub has a favorable geographical location for development as a transfer hub on routes from China to the European part of Russia and Europe, is a convenient point of entry into Russia. For tourists arriving from China and wishing to visit such popular Russian tourist cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and others, the Novosibirsk airport provides convenient connections.

“We are working on the quality of service and creating comfortable conditions for all foreign passengers of the airport. In this case, it was about the implementation of the recommendations of the China Friendly program, taking into account the national characteristics of Chinese tourists. This is primarily related to information support — in the airport terminal complex, signs and audio announcements for passengers have been translated into Chinese, there is a menu in Chinese at public catering points, the Chinese version of the website with a special section for tourists operates, — said the General Director of JSC Tolmachevo airport Evgeniy Yankilevich.”

China Friendly ("Friendly to China") is a program designed to create a comfortable environment for Chinese tourists and aimed at promoting Russian tourism products on the international market. Certification for compliance with the requirements of this program is a "quality mark" for Chinese citizens who are going to visit Russia. In our country, the program is implemented in 20 cities, including Novosibirsk, at enterprises of various service sectors.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity — up to 1,300 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories. Passenger traffic at the airport exceeded 5 million passengers in 2017.

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