
28 июля 2017

Postal items processed by International Postal Exchange Office in Tolmachevo airport in 2017 increased twice

Throughout the first half of the year 2017 the IMPC (International Mail Processing Centre) in the Tolmachevo airport has processed 14.3 mln of international postal items, which is 2 times as many as in the period of January - June, 2016.

Leading in the number of received international mailings among the Siberian regions are Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Kemerovo regions. The highest amount of postal items was processed in March and April, 2017, that was 3.1 and 3.3 mln, respectively. Based on the forecast, IMPC will have to process and deliver more than 9 mln of mailings during the new year’s eve peak period (November-December, 2017). To compare: about 20 mln postal items (parcels and small packages from abroad) passed through Tolmachevo during the whole year of 2016 and about 5 mln in 2015.

Around 90% of all incoming international post in Tolmachevo IMPC still consists of web-orders from Chinese stores.

IMPC in Tolmachevo airport was opened in 2013. It is 24-hour point, which performs collecting, customs clearance and distribution of mails received from abroad by air and overland. The area of IMPC covers more than 2000 square meters, and Novosibirsk Postal Customs Point is located there. In 2016, the workshop for automatic processing of postal items was launched in Tolmachevo airport. It was based on high-speed automatic line of Toshiba with the capacity of more than 200 thousand dispatches per 24-hour period.

Photo by Svetlana Balayeva

“The cooperation with Russian Post is one of the most fast-growing and promising development area for the airport,” as it was pointed out by General Director of JSC Airport Tolmachevo Evgeniy Yankilevich. “Tolmachevo is focused on strengthening its position as one of the major Russian airports not only in terms of passenger traffic, but also in the amount of cargo and mail transportation. In March this year, we were the first from the airports to start serving direct regular flights of Russian Post from China, which will significantly influence the amount of postal turnover.”

Siberia Macro-region of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” unites Federal Postal Service Administrations of all regions of Siberian Federal District. There are 5900 post offices and 101 head post offices located in the territory of Siberia MR. The personnel of the divisions inside the structure of Siberia Macro-region includes around 45 thousand people.

Federal Postal Service Administration of Novosibirsk Region, subsidiary of Russian Post, includes 15 head post offices, 777 stationary post offices and 7 travelling post offices. The enterprise has more than 6000 staff members with over 2000 postmen among them. The delivery of postal items is carried out by more than 300 automobiles; the total distance of postal routes of this subsidiary is 58,600 thousand km.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport (Tolmachevo) is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity – up to 1300 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories.

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