
12 июля 2017

Tolmachevo Airport Celebrates its 60th Anniversary!

Today NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport (Tolmachevo) turns 60 years. The airport’s history started from a military airfield. Nowadays it is one of the largest international hubs in Russia.

The 12-th of July, 1957 is considered the birthday of the air gate of Siberia. On that day, the first scheduled passenger flight from Novosibirsk to Moscow flew by first Russian jet passenger airliner Tu-104. At that time, it was difficult to imagine that just in 60 years the airport's capacity for domestic flights would become 1,800 passengers per hour, and 1300 passengers per hour for international routes. In 2016 the airport hosted more than 4 million passengers. Currently cargo and postal transportation at Novosibirsk Tolmachevo is actively developing.

Today airport is rapidly transforming, introducing the most advanced technologies, which allows Tolmachevo attract new partners and open new routes. The airport continues to change, develop and go forward. In recent years, Tolmachevo has significantly changed, has become a world-class airport at infrastructure and services. The perspectives of Tolmachevo airport are connected with the development of the passenger, cargo and mail transportation.

Tolmachevo route network includes 90 international and domestic destinations. The partners of the airport are more than 40 Russian and foreign passenger and cargo airlines. The airport increases its role as an aviation hub on the most important routes between Europe, Asia and the Far East. Just for example, in 2012 Tolmachevo handled little bit more than 100 thousand transfer passengers, then in 2016 – already more than 650 thousand transfer passengers have passed via airports terminal. The growth of the transfer passenger traffic by the end of 2016 was 70%, and its share of the total number of passengers exceeded 16 %, approaching the airports of the Moscow aviation hub.

The convenient geographical location of Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport, in crossing point of the shortest air routes, gives to the airport of Novosibirsk the status of the global transit air hub on the Air Silk Way. Today, the airport occupies a dominant share at the market of technical landings of cargo flights flying between China, Southeast Asia and Europe.

Airport history

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