
11 ноября 2013

The International Mail Processing Centre started processing EMS express mail and parcels at NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport

November 11, 2013, the International Mail Processing Centre (IMPC) was officially opened at Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Victor TOLOKONSKIY, the Minister of Transport and Public Road System of the Novosibirsk region Sergey TITOV, the first Deputy Director of the Long-distance Postal Traffic Hub (FSUE Russian Post affiliate) Alexander TIMOFEEV, the Head of the Siberian Customs Administration Yuriy LADYGIN, the Deputy Head of Novosibirsk Customs Office on border control Sergey AVDEEV, the Deputy Director of EMS Russian Post Nadezhda SYSOEVA and the General Director of Airport Tolmachevo JSC Evgeniy Yankilevich.

In September 2013, IMPC of the airport was included into the official list of post offices within the Russian Federation territory by the joint order of the Federal Customs Service and the Ministry of Communications of Russia. The Novosibirsk IMPC became the fourth in the country (after Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo and Pulkovo) and the first regional post office built directly at the airport and specializing on EMS Russian Post (FSUE Russian Post affiliate) express mail processing.

Thanks to the rapid and well-coordinated teamwork of Russian Post and the Federal Customs Service of Russia, a specialized platform of more than 2,000 m2 for sorting and processing of incoming mail from abroad has been installed at the airport cargo terminal in the shortest time possible. NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport provided IMPC with all necessary customs and conveyor equipment and organized workplaces. Investment of the airport in its creation exceeded 1.5 mln USD.


For IMPC’s operation the Siberian Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia established Customs Clearance and Customs Control Department №2 as well as set 12/7 work schedule.

The capacity of IMPC at NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport allows daily handling of 2,000 EMS items and parcels as well as the growing volume of the international mail at large coming from China and South East Asia to recipients in the Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts. The distribution of the international express mail flow by geographical zones will optimize workload of the Moscow Air Hub and allow EMS Russian Post to reduce delivery time.


Following the trial processing of mail from China, IMPC is ready for operation in full capacity.

“Opening of the International Mail Processing Centre in Novosibirsk is essential for the Siberian region, thus, asserting status of Novosibirsk as one of the major infrastructure and logistics hubs. This is a global project for the entire company of Russian Post equally having an impact upon development of the airport and customs service. Such initiative can positively affect businesses of the region as well as it will enable our citizens to use express postal services,” commented the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Victor TOLOKONSKIY at the opening ceremony.

“Launch of the International Mail Processing Centre at Novosibirsk airport is of great importance for the development of postal industry in general. Anticipating the upcoming winter holidays, the volume of international mail is expected to grow, thus, stimulating us to expand production facilities on the whole territory of Russia and making express delivery convenient and fast for all Russian citizens in any season and at any time. The decision to choose Novosibirsk as the platform for the future IMPC was not accidental. The city has the most accessible geographical location and provides services as a large modern air hub. The new facility will enable residents of several districts to receive international mail even faster,” noted the first Deputy Director of the Long-distance Postal Traffic Hub, FSUE Russian Post affiliate, Alexander TIMOFEEV.


“The project is the initial step in the process of creation mail and cargo cluster for processing and delivering all types of air postal items and express cargo. Considering the intensively developing internet trading, the extensive route network of the airport, which provides connection between Novosibirsk and the largest cities of China and South East Asia, will ensure full utilization of the facility and provide an opportunity for the airport to test in practice innovative technologies for cargo and mail handling in cooperation with EMS Russian Post and the Federal Customs Service,” underlined the General Director of Airport Tolmachevo JSC Evgeniy YANKILEVICH.

Quoting the Deputy Head of the Novosibirsk Customs Office on border control Sergey AVDEEV, the Novosibirsk customs agents are capable to handle growing volumes of the international mail. In accordance with Customs Code of the Customs Union (Clause 1, Article 196), the terms of customs formalities completion shall not exceed one labor day from the moment of parcel receipt by the customs postal operators.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest transit air hub in the Asian part of Russia. The airport has two runways, provides handling services of regular cargo flights for both Russian and foreign airlines such as AirBridgeCargo, Volga-Dnepr, Cargolux, Nordic Global Airlines, Yangtze River Express and others. Capacity of the freight complex Tolmachevo Cargo makes up 50,000 tons per year.

Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) Russian Post is a universal provider of more than 100 multi-faceted services (postal, financial, information and communication, logistics, etc.) provided to the state, citizens and businesses. Russian Post has unique infrastructure capabilities: about 42 thousand post offices and a long-haul mail network across the country.

EMS Russian Post is a branch office of FSUE Russian Post. The company provides express delivery services in Russia and 190 countries across the globe.

Novosibirsk Customs Office. Year-to-date the regional goods turnover totals 1.8 bln USD. Reportedly, the federal budget has over 7.6 bln rubles of customs payments credited.

Novosibirsk Customs Office comprises two special departments responsible for completion of customs formalities towards international postal items (IPIs). November 11, 2013, one of the departments started its operation in the International Mail Processing Centre at Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport.

Starting this year, Novosibirsk Customs Office provided inspection of more than 1 mln IPIs, which doubled the result of the same period in the previous year (549 thousand IPIs). 428 IPIs were detained. Narcotic and superpotent substances, cold steel weapons, gadgets for surreptitious gathering of information were withdrawn.


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