
25 октября 2013

China Southern Airlines increases flight frequency from Novosibirsk to Urumqi

China Southern Airlines introduced an extra flight frequency on Novosibirsk – Urumqi route.

Starting from October 30, 2013, flights to Urumqi are performed also each Wednesday. Departure time from Urumqi to Novosibirsk is 09:10 a.m., from Novosibirsk to Urumqi – 11:30 a.m. (all local times).

Adding the new frequency, China Southern Airlines will provide three weekly flights between Urumqi and Novosibirsk: each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Flights are operated on Boeing 737-700 and Boeing 757-200 aircraft.

You can purchase air tickets on websites of the airport (www.tolmachevo.ru) and China Southern Airlines (www.csair.com) as well as in all ticket offices of Novosibirsk. For further information, please contact us at 8 (383) 216-97-50 or 216-97-51.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The domestic terminal capacity makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the capacity on international flights – up to 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways. In 2013 it expects to serve over 3.7 million passengers and handle over 35 thousand tons of cargo and mail.

China Southern Airlines is the largest air company of China with its headquarters in Guangzhou. The airlines’ fleet consists of over 445 modern airliners, among which Airbus  А380, Airbus А330, Airbus А321, Airbus А320, Airbus А319, Boeing 787, Boeing 777, Boeing 757, Boeing 747, Boeing 737, Embraer 145 and Embraer 190. China Southern Airlines provides flight services to 172 cities of 30 countries via Guangzhou and Beijing as air hubs.

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