
31 октября 2013

New flight from Novosibirsk to Kulob

Starting from November 27, 2013, Ural Airlines, the partner of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport, launches a new regular flight from Novosibirsk to Kulob (Tajikistan). Services will be performed on comfortable Airbus A320 aircraft each Wednesday.

Departure time from Novosibirsk is 07:30 a.m., Flight U6 2793, from Kulob – 00:50 a.m., Flight U6 2794 (local time applies).

You can purchase air tickets on websites of the airport (www.tolmachevo.ru) and Ural Airlines (www.uralairlines.ru) as well as in all ticket offices of Novosibirsk. For further information, please contact us at 8 (383) 216-97-50 or 216-97-51.

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The domestic terminal capacity makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the capacity on international flights – up to 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways. In2013 it expects to serve over 3.7 million passengers.

Ural Airlines is one of the largest intensively developing Russian airlines, tracing its history since 1943. The Ural Airlines’ fleet comprises modern and comfortable European Airbus A320 aircraft. Within the on-going fleet upgrade programme, the carrier annually purchases new aircraft on leasing terms – at the moment there are 31 planes in operation (19 – A320s, 10 – A321s and 2 – A319s). Pursuant to Ural Airlines’ future development plan, already 36 aircraft will be in operation in 2014. The company served over three million passengers in 2012.

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