
12 июля 2013

NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport turned 56 years

July 12, 2013 NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport celebrated the 56th anniversary of its founding. Officially, the airport was established on July 12, 1957 when the first passenger flight from Novosibirsk to Moscow on Tu-104 aircraft was operated.

Currently, NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is one of the leading airports in Russia. Its two runways allow to provide handling services for all aircraft types without take-off weight limitations. The freight terminal capacity makes up over 50 thousand tons of cargo and mail handled per year. The passenger terminal enables to serve up to 1,800 passengers per hour on domestic flights and 750 passengers per hour – on international routes.

The 56th year was truly remarkable for the history of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport: for the first time since the aviation enterprise has been founded, its annual passenger traffic exceeded 3 million people and the year-end 2012 results totalled 3.266 million passengers. The new regular and charter international flights to Hong Kong (P.R. China), Palma de Majorca (Spain), Munich (Federal Republic of Germany), Gyanja (Azerbaijan), Shymkent (Kazakhstan), Ferghana (Uzbekistan) and Kulob (Tajikistan) were opened, while the domestic route network was extended with Strezhevoy and Blagoveshchensk destinations. Flights to Kiev, Tomsk, Gorno-Altaysk, Tyumen, Omsk and Kyzyl were resumed as well. The airport also initiated a series of actions mainly aimed at flight frequency increase on the already existing routes which in combination with extensive route network asserts Novosibirskas an accessible transfer hub. The airport experts started handling new aircraft types, now performing flights to Novosibirsk on a regular basis such as An-148-100E and Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. Another not less significant focus area of the airport is improvement of service quality for passengers: in this view, flight catering facility Tolmachevo Catering started its operation, the third setting of Sibscan express security system was put into service, waiting areas were expanded as well as the new ticketing zone was opened in the Domestic Passenger Terminal.

Such freight companies as Yangtze River Express, Nordic Global Airlines were engaged into cooperation with Novosibirsk airport while Transaero cargo flights are now being handled at Novosibirsk airport and Air China Cargo resumed its operation. Furthermore, air carriers choose Novosibirsk as an accessible airport for refuelling landings when performing flights between the countries of Europe, South-East and South Asia. As a part of the postal hub project, the International Postal Exchange Office of EMS Russia Post is now ready for launching.

Among other key results of the last year were preliminary activities on the International Passenger Terminal modernization as well as start of design works on the airfield complex reconstruction including Surfaced RWY-1. All investment projects realized at NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport are purposed for strengthening its leading position in the aviation market.

On its 56th anniversary Airport Tolmachevo JSC expresses gratitude to all its partners for effective cooperation as well as to the passengers – for the confidence they are giving, when traveling via NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport.

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