
11 января 2012

The strong growth

Tolmachevo Airport has  summarized the results of december activities and of the whole 2011. A significant increase in all indicators shows that the successful development of one of the largest Russian airport continues.

In December 2011 the Tolmachevo airport served 234,660  passengers, wich is 55,000 more than in 2010.  115,748 people flew from Novosibirsk (up to 2010 - 32.9%), and 106 953 has arrived (up to 2010 - 27.5%). 11,959 transit passengers was served at the Novosibirsk airport (up to 2010 - 39.4%). 150,659 passengers was registered on domestic routes (up to 2010 - 28.9%), and  84,001 people on international routes (up to 2010 - 34%).

The number of sorties in December 2011 amounted 1419 (up to 2010 - 11.8%).

In 2011 the total number of passengers at the airport  reached 2,765,884 people (up to 2010  22.3%),  1,772,568 passengers have used the internal routes (up to 2010 - 12.5%). The number of passengers  on international routes  had increased markedly and amounted 993 316 people (up to 2010 - 44.7%).

Overall in 2011 1,287,458 passengers has arrived at the Tolmachevo airport  (up to 2010 - 22.2%), 1,336,888 people flew (up to 2010 - 24%). The number of transit passengers totaled 141,538 (up to 2010 - 8.7%).

Airport employees have served 17,277 sorties, which is 3000 more than in 2010 (an increase to the previous year - 21.1%).

In 2011, were involved new passenger carriers, with the new opened routes  including Beijing (China), Baku (Azerbaijan), Kiev (Ukraine), There was an increase of the flights frequency to Antalya (Turkey), Bangkok (Thailand) and other popular directions, as well as improved conditions of passengers services.

The outlook on passenger traffic for 2012 is 3 155 000 people.

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