
27 июня 2011


The opening of new routes will be coordinated with the tour operators.

The meeting for cooperation of opening new flights directions from the airport Tolmachevo and development of tourist destinations was held in Tolmachevo airport.

Chairman of the Economic Cooperation of Governor  Novosibirsk Region Administration - Dmitry MIKITCHENKO, representatives of Novosibirsk Association of Tourist Organizations (NATO), including the "Globe-Tour" and S7 TOUR, Deputy General Director for Economics and Commercial Activity ofairport Tolmachevo - Abdul Kusaev took participated in this meeting.

Participants discussed the possibility of a more coordinated work of the representatives of the Government of Novosibirsk region, airport and tourism industry in attracting Russian and foreign air carriers at the opening of direct flights from Novosibirsk to Milan, Sanya, Tel Aviv and Istanbul.

Following the meeting the parties agreed to take part in joint negotiations with airlines. Tourism industry representatives were invited to consider the joint participation of the airport industry forums: Routes Development Forum.

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