25 мая 2011
The sky is under control
Novosibirsk air traffic control center (ATC), the partner of the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo), put into operation a new simulator for the air traffic controllers training.
Now the controllers of aerodrome dispatch tower have possibilities to train different operational situations in the conditions maximally approached to the reality during their professional studies and raising the level of their skills. This measure will allow to train new staff, confirm the qualification, improve the professional skill level of experienced controllers and therefore rise the quality of air traffic control service and flight security.
- The opening of this simulator complex in Tolmachevo is a great honor for us because the project, on which realization we have spent several years, is a unique one for Russia. For the first time such equipment will be applied in industry at the largest aerodrome complex, located behind the Urals, - noticed the director of the branch the West Siberian Aeronavigation Alexander Pivovarov.
This complex dispatch simulator “Expert” with installed module of the control dispatch point “Tower” represents a control panel equipped with two working places and a large screen with the viewing angle of 240 degree. The simulator was designed specially for the airport Tolmachevo by Russian company “NITA”, specialized in manufacturing of ground aviation equipment for the airnavigation purposes.
- We achieved the high level of visualization by means of modeling the landscape, the buildings, special techniques taking into account real sizes of all objects and detailed study of each element. In result the controller gets interactive picture with great number of parameters from speed of aircraft till different meteorological phenomena, - noticed the advantages of this equipment Oleg Zikov, general director of “NITA”.
The principal advantage of this equipment is the possibility to create visually conflict scenes on different flight phases that permits to project and perfect practically any unordinary situation – rolling of aircraft, ignition on board the plane, engine bird strike, cross flight and etc.
General Director of JSC “Airport Tolmachevo” congratulated the colleagues with a new stage in joint work:
-The fulfillment of this project is an example of successful realization of state- private partnership; and the availability of such equipment makes Tolmachevo a modern developing airport with up-to-date technologies.
Moreover, in the future a new dispatch tower is supposed to be built at the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo), which is going to be located at the cross of two runways. This will allow optimizing maximally the work of air traffic controllers and increasing significantly the efficiency of their work. Using the up-to-date simulators in the professional training process of controllers is one of the ICAO recommendations; therefore the authorities of Novosibirsk air traffic control center are planning to organize a training center for specialists from other regions.