19 мая 2011
The results of tactical complex exercises
The results of tactical complex exercises on the accomplishing of emergency rescuing operations and evacuation of aircraft from the airfield were summed up at the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo).
According to specialists’ conclusion, the accuracy of all staff teams and non-permanent staff groups taking part in extinguishing the fire, as well as the quickness of rescue subdivisions during the evacuation of “the injured passengers” and providing the first aid illustrated the high level of these operations.
- The actions directed to the improvement of measures for the liquidation of emergency situations on board the plane are carried out annually according to the requirements of Russian Federation civil aviation regulations and the instructions of ICAO, - says the chief of the emergency fire fighting and rescue service Viktor Golubitskiy. – The purposes of this complex exercises were achieved: the fire was extinguished, the evacuation was carried out successfully and the medical aid was provided.
During the evacuation of the aircraft from the airfield, the up-to-date unit with the carrying capacity 80 tones was used for lifting this aircraft.
Besides this unit, the pneumatic lifts with different carrying capacity, towing unit and device for lifting the nose part of fuselage are used at the airport Tolmachevo for carrying out evacuation operations.
This emergency evacuating unit can be used during emergency rescuing operations for any type of aircraft – of foreign and Russian manufacture. Specifications of this equipment correspond to the recommendations of aircraft production plants such as Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier and others. In emergency cases the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) lends this evacuating equipment for carrying out rescuing operations on the nearby airfields of Siberian Federal District.
Over a period of the three previous years more than 20 million rubles were invested to get this equipment, as well as additional fire engine, special vehicle for connection and lighting during emergency rescuing operations, respiratory apparatus, eyesight protection devices and others units.
During thetactical complex exercises the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) worked ordinary, all flights were operated according to schedule.