
23 мая 2011

Professional dialogue

The delegation of Khabarovsk airport made an official visit to the airport Tolmachevo. The main goal was considered information exchange, comparative analysis of activities and effectiveness of Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk airports  operation.

During two days, on the 19th and 20th of May the representatives of Khabarovsk airport visited major operational departments of the airport complex Tolmachevo: cargo terminal, international and domestic air terminals, the first and second runways, apron and aircraft parking places. The registration areas, customs and border control areas, business-hall, comfortable room for passengers with children and special ground handling equipment were demonstrated.

Special attention was paid to the operational activity of the airport’s  aviation security service. In particular the guests had opportunity to acquaint with the development of Novosibirsk scientists – a non-invasive express system of X-ray control “Sibscan”, which allows checking the passenger for security within 5 seconds, as well as with automatic information system of operational recognizing the potentially dangerous passengers “UNICOM SAB OVB”.

The representatives of JSC “Airport Tolmachevo” shared experience of forming the enterprise’s corporate culture. For example, competitions of professional skills are traditionally organized at the airport and the best professionals are chosen; the health programs for the staff are realized and sport competitions and other social events are constantly held. 

Airport Tolmachevo is also served as a modern place for exposition of art-objects. For instance, sculpture composition of London author Unus Safardiar “Conquest of Siberia” installed in arrival area of domestic passenger terminal was shown to the guests.

Appreciating the meeting results, the general director of JSC “Airport Tolmachevo” Alexander Borodin noticed that the experience exchange of operational and strategic tasks had always been considered as a main point of airports’ successful development and enabled to form carriage services at the highest professional level.

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