
12 мая 2011

Airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) became the second airport in Russia having got the permission to accept the world largest passenger aircraft Airbus A-380

Since the 30th of April 2011 the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) has been admitted to the acceptance of the aircraft A-380 and its modifications by the resolution of Air transport Federal Agency (Russian Aviation).


In 2010 the airline AirFrance suggested to use airport Tolmachevo as an alternate one on the route Paris – Tokyo – Paris.  Airport’s preparation for receiving this certificate started last year according to the initiative of general director JSC “Airport Tolmachevo” Alexander Borodin and with the support of Transport Ministry of Russian Federation.


To pass the certification the ground services staff were taught A-380 ground handling specifications.

The essential documents were prepared with the data confirming all necessary equipment availability, aerodrome actual sizes compliance and coating strength of the runways corresponding to the regulations of Russian Federation, standards and recommended practice of ICAO.


- Certificate for the aircraft type A-380 is an obvious demonstration of the airport’s dynamic development. In 2010 airport Tolmachevo had already accepted the world largest cargo aircraft AN-225 “Mрiя”, and now we are able to accept the largest passenger airliner Airbus A-380, - noticed Deputy Director General of Operation Department Yuriy Sapronov.

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