
27 апреля 2011

Airport isn’t a right place for the birds

A meeting of the coordinating board, concerning the ornithological provision of flights safety, took place at the airport Tolmachevo.

The meeting was conducted in the context of the airport’s preparing to the spring-summer period. In view of the coming birds’ migration a special attention is being paid to theornithological ensuring of flights safety. Visual watching is carried out and diagrams of birds’ routes are made in the area of the airport. Measures for preventing the nesting in the trees on the airport’s territory are taken.

- According to the study results we expect difficult ornithological situation in the spring-summer period of this year, - says the chief of the ornithological group Maxim Grabovsky. – Nevertheless all services and organizations, enabling in the ornithological ensuring of flights safety, are ready to secure the airport against the birds.

Measures, directed to the ornithological safety, include ecological and ornithological territory’s research, nests’ destruction, garbage’s utilization, visual control of ornithological situation and birds’ deterrence.

Pyrotechnic and bioacoustics equipment is used for protection airport’s area against the birds. 

Bioacoustics installations for bird’s deterrence have been designed by the ornithological group of JSC “Airport Tolmachevo” together with Novosibirsk engineers by using scientific data of Moscow institute on the ecological problems of Russian Scientific Academy. Modern bioacoustics installation represents a mobile complex with programmed signals. The operation of this installation is based on the reproduction of anxious bird cries in the acoustic diapason. Alarm signal causes irritant action and makes birds leave the apron and also it increases the effectiveness of other deterrent units.

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