
5 апреля 2011

The results of production activities in March 2011

177 764 passengers have been served in March of this year at the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) and this is 25,1 % more then last year’s index.

In March of this year 85 177 passengers departed from the airport Tolmachevo and 84 167 passengers arrived to Novosibirsk. The number of transit passengers was 8 420 persons.

The number of served flights made up 1 282 units (26,6% more then in 2010).
During the first three months of this year 3 505 flights were served at the airport and it is 21,3% more then the same index in 2010. The whole passenger flow in January, February and March made up 495 191 (22,9 % more the in 2010): departed passengers 238 941 (23,7% more the in 2010), arrived passengers 233 720 (23,6% more then in 2010), transit passengers 22 530 (9,1 % more then the same index in 2010).

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