
10 марта 2011

A new flight: Novosibirsk-Larnaka

Since 29 April 2011 airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) together with the aircompany “Ural Airlines” will start operating the regular international flight from Novosibirsk to Larnaka. According to the preliminary data, the “roundtrip” ticket price will make up 699 Euros.

Flights will be operated to the Mediterranean Sea one time per week on Fridays on the planes Airbus 320.
It is worth noting that the route Novosibirsk-Larnaca will be the first international flight, which the aircompany “Ural Airlines " will operate from the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo).

Today the aircompany “Ural Airlines” operates the flight from the airport Novosibirsk to Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Norilsk, Yakutsk and Moscow.

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