
5 марта 2011

Privatization of Airport Tolmachevo opens new perspectives

The results of airport Tolmachevo privatization have demonstrated high growth and great perspectives of development of an enterprise. So the General Director of Airport Tolmachevo Alexander Borodin commented on the results of the auction of selling state-owned stake of 51 % of ordinary shares of the Airport Tolmachevo for 2.8 billion rubles, with a starting price of 1,105 billion rubles. The auction was held on March 3, 2011 in Moscow. 
Without taking into account the two operating runways, apron and air navigation facilities, which remain in the state ownership, market value of the airport now stands at about 6 billion rubles. In this case, at the time of corporatisation fifteen years ago the company was estimated at only 120 million rubles.

Multiple increase in the cost of Tolmachevo was primarily the result of an effective management, of shareholders, federal and regional authorities and the airline activities. Today the airport has already emerged as a strong aviation hub not only of Russian but also of international importance, which has great potential for further development. 
According to Alexander Borodin, currently in Russia, and Europe the quantity of long-range aircraft is not enough. In these conditions Tolmachevo Airport could become the biggest transit point between Europe and Asia, servicing medium-haul aircraft operating transit stops at the airport (including Russian one Sukhoi Superjet 100). 
Despite the fact, that by summer the line station for maintenance of long-haul aircraft is to be put into operation, in the coming months the program of the necessary infrastructure developing, calculated including the mid-range aircraft will be significantly expanded. 

All the efforts of the company's management with the support of its shareholders will be made to expand the geography of flights, also for increase in freight traffic and for improving the quality of passenger service, - said Alexander Borodin. - Privatization of the enterprise can raise additional funds for the implementation of production and social programs. It is the next step in the implementation of major strategic projects that will bring the airport to a new level providing a wide range of services for the air carriers and passengers. 


Airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) is the largest airport complex in Siberia and the Far East Class A-1 with a capacity of cargo complex of over 50 thousand tons of cargo a year, airport terminal - 750 passengers per hour on international flights and 1800 passengers per hour on domestic flights. The airport has two runways: Runway-2 was put into operation in autumn 2010, has no restrictions on take-off weight and has ICAO category II, which makes airport weatherproof. Airport Tolmachevo is included in the number of international airports - hubs supporting transport network of the Russian Federation. 

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