4 марта 2011
The celebratory program for veterans of Tolmachevo
On March 4, 2011 the representatives of Airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) congratulated the veterans with past Day of Fatherland Defenders and the upcoming International Women's Day. Congratulation took place in the palace of culture «Wings of Siberia» in the Ob town.
Congratulation of the veterans is good and long tradition at the airport Tolmachevo. The event was attended by about 100 people. They were presented with gifts and concert. On behalf of the airport veterans congratulated Personnel Management Director Svetlana Semenova and Acting Director of Administration of Airport Tolmachevo Oleg Pytin.
- February 23 and March 8 are official holidays, when we all feel a particular spiritual uplift. These holidays are loved by all and we are very pleased that they will bring together people, many of whom have worked for years in our company, - said Oleg Pytin.
- We thank you heartedly for the enormous contribution you have made to the development of the airport, for your dedication and hard work on behalf of the company. From the airport the entire team wish you good health, prosperity, long and happy life - said Svetlana Semenova.
Airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) is the largest airport complex in Siberia and the Far East Class A-1 with a capacity of cargo complex of over 50 thousand tons of cargo a year, airport terminal - 750 passengers per hour on international flights and 1800 passengers per hour on domestic flights. The airport has two runways: Runway-2 was put into operation in autumn 2010, has no restrictions on take-off weight and has ICAO category II, which makes airport weatherproof. Airport Tolmachevo is included in the number of international airports - hubs supporting transport network of the Russian Federation.