18 февраля 2011
From Tolmachevo to Kiev on a direct flight
JSC «Airport Tolmachevo» in conjunction with the air carriers continues to develop its route network: AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines launches new flight on route Kiev-Novosibirsk-Kiev from airport Tolmachevo.
A working meeting with the representatives of AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines at the airport Tolmachevo took place in the period from 16 to 17 February 2011 . The parties discussed the technical capabilities of the airport regarding ground handling services for the flights on Kiev-Novosibirsk-Kiev route.
Previously, the issue of opening a direct flights to Kiev was discussed during the official visit of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, Vladimir Yelchenko. In addition, the Ambassador said that in the near future the Consulate General of Ukraine in Novosibirsk will be open.
During his visit, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Russian Federation examined the modern passenger terminals of airport Tolmachevo, comfortable VIP and business halls and learned about the use of innovative scientific achievement (Akademgorodok) - contactless express passenger screening system, "SibSKAN", and also a complex for passengers with children.
- Novosibirsk is the largest transport and logistics unit, which is considered by the Ukrainian side as one of the key partners in interregional cooperation, - said Vladimir Yelchenko. - In March direct flight Kiev-Novosibirsk-Kiev will be opened ", which certainly have a positive impact on the relationship of Siberia and Ukraine.
Regular flights on Kiev-Novosibirsk-Kiev route by AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines open on March 27, 2011.
Flights will be operated up to 5 times a week using the modern and comfortable aircraft Airbus A320 and Boeing-737-500. Flight time in one direction will amount 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Direct flights from Novosibirsk to Kiev were not operated for two years. Previously in 2008 the only carrier on this route was the Russian airline Dalavia. The new flights will be performed for the first time by the largest air carrier of Ukraine.
Airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) is the largest airport complex in Siberia and the Far East Class A-1 with a capacity of cargo complex of over 50 thousand tons of cargo a year, airport terminal - 750 passengers per hour on international flights and 1800 passengers per hour on domestic flights. The airport has two runways: Runway-2 was put into operation in autumn 2010, has no restrictions on take-off weight and has ICAO category II, which makes airport weatherproof. Airport Tolmachevo is included in the number of international airports - hubs supporting transport network of the Russian Federation. The main shareholders are: the Russian Federation through the Federal Agency for State Property Management - 51%, OOO Novaport - 38%. Airport in 2010 handled 2.262 million passengers (25.3% by 2009).
AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines was established in 1994 and is the largest Ukrainian air carrier. In 2010 AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines served over 70 international routes, including five inter-and transcontinental - New York, Toronto, Beijing, Delhi and Bangkok. Together with partner companies AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines also provides flights to the major regional administrative centers of Ukraine.