
2 июня 2009

Tolmachevo International Airport received admission for Аirbus-330.

According to the Decree of Russian Federation Air Transport Agency Tolmachevo International Airport (Novosibirsk) received the right for admission of Аirbus-330 and its modifications from May, 25.


Tolmachevo International Airport (Novosibirsk) is one of the five largest international airports of Russia. It is the leading aviation enterprise in terms of transported passengers in the Asian part of Russia. About a hundred aviation companies connect Novosibirsk with cities of Russia and abroad. Main shareholders: Russian Federation represented by the by the Federal Agency for Managing Federal Property – 51%, Deposit and Clearing Company - 37.12%. 

Amount of cargo and mail handling in Tolmachevo International Airport in 2008 reached 20,5 th. tons (growth 10.9% to 2007). The passenger traffic in 2008 increased up to 2.109 mln. passengers (a 10.7 % increase as compared to 2007) There were 13,860 flights, a 14% increase year over year. In 2008 Company’s income reached 3,859 million rubles exceeding the rate of the last year by 25 %. 


Type of aircraft - passenger

Length 63.6 m

Wing Span: - 60.3 m

Passengers 261 - 440

Cruise Speed: - 925 km/hr

Maximum flying height - 11.890 m

Aircraft range - 9.000 km

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