
13 апреля 2009

New international airline at Tolmachevo Airport.

From April, 29 Czech Airlines will start a new international flight at Tolmachevo Airport.

Flights will be operated by Airbus-319 twice weekly, every Tuesday and Friday. Flight number 186 will leave Prague at 22:30 and arrive to Novosibirsk 09:35 next day (local time), and flight number 187  will leave Novosibirsk at 11:15 and land in Prague at 13:00 (local time).

- We tried to receive at Tolmachevo Airport the most convenient slots so that passengers can have not direct flight only to the one of most beautiful city in the world - Prague, but also can use Czech airport as a transit hub for the next travel to the Europe, - has noted marketing-manager CSA Marek Pavlica.

It’s planed that Czech Airlines agency will open in Novosibirsk from April, 29.

Sale of air tickets on a Prague-Novosibirsk-Prague route is carried out on sites of CSA airline and at tour agency's offices.


Tolmachevo International Airport (Novosibirsk) is one of the five largest international airports of Russia. It is the leading aviation enterprise in terms of transported passengers in the Asian part of Russia. About a hundred aviation companies connect Novosibirsk with cities of Russia and abroad. Main shareholders: Russian Federation represented by the by the Federal Agency for Managing Federal Property – 51%, Deposit and Clearing Company - 37.12%. In preliminary result in 2008 amount of cargo and mail handling in Tolmachevo International Airport reached 20,5 th. tons (growth 10.9% to 2007). The passenger traffic in 2008 increased up to 2.109 mln. passengers (a 10.7 % increase as compared to 2007) There were 13,860 flights, a 14% increase year over year. In 2008 Company’s income reached 3,859 million rubles exceeding the rate of the last year by 25 %.

CSA Czech Airlines is the national carrier of the Czech Republic, based in Prague.
The company fleet consists of Airbus, Boeing and Aerospatiale - Alenia.
Route network of CSA covers the Europe, the Near East, Northern Africa, Northern America. It is a member of the Skyteam alliance.
CSA Czech Airlines give to the Russian passengers comfortable conditions of flight to capital of Czech and convenient transit flights to the majority of the countries of the world.

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