
30 января 2009

Summary of Tolmachevo Airport’s Operating Activity in 2008

Total passenger traffic of Tolmachevo Airport in 2008 increased by 12.6 % in comparison with 2007 and amounted 2,109.4 passenger

The number of departing passengers amounted 997, 706; the number of arriving passengers amounted 963,768 passengers. Growth to the 2007 is 10,7 % both for departing and arriving passengers. The number of transit passengers amounted 167,950, growth 40,5% to the 2007.

Total number passengers served in domestic and international terminals amounted have taken advantage 2,090.3 passengers (growth 12,2 % to the 2007).

Total number of aircraft movements in January-December was 27,762 (growth 14% to the 2007). Total take-off weight in 2008 increased up to 1,118.8 thousand tons, (growth 4,2 % to the 2007).

Company’s income from air commerce in 2008 increased by 34.3 % in comparison with 2007 and amounted 1,213.978 million rubles.

The Master Plan of airport development, approved by the Board of Directors, continued its implementation over 2008. Total sum of investments exceeded 1.5 bln rubles (including over 400 mln of the own assets of the airport).

Over 260 mln rubles were invested in complex reconstruction of the domestic terminal. Its area tripled reaching 30,000 m; capacity of the terminal increased from 800 to 1,800 passengers/hour after technological improvements. The departure procedure from Tolmachevo, after launching the second domestic arrivals terminal with organized passenger control, complies with world standards.

Design works for expansion of the international terminal were also in progress; next year total area of the terminal is to increase up to 11,000 sq. m, doubling the capacity of the terminal.

Financing and construction of the airport terminal facilities and service infrastructure also continued; Sky Port, a three-star hotel, was opened in October. The hotel can accommodate 250 people.

Creation of a new C-class passenger terminal continued; the terminal is intended to service international and domestic flights (its total area is to exceed 81,000 m; its planned capacity is 5.5 mln passengers per year and 2,500 passengers per hour). Pre-design works have finished; development of working documents of the terminal is underway.


Tolmachevo International Airport (Novosibirsk) is one of the five largest international airports of Russia. It is the leading aviation enterprise in terms of transported passengers in the Asian part of Russia. About a hundred aviation companies connect Novosibirsk with cities of Russia and abroad. Main shareholders: Russian Federation represented by the by the Federal Agency for Managing Federal Property – 51%, Deposit and Clearing Company - 37.12%.

In 2007 the total amount of cargo and mail handled in Tolmachevo International Airport amounted 18,667 tons. The passenger traffic in 2007 increased up to 1,873.5 thousand people. In 2007 Company’s income amounted 2,867.072 million rubles.

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