
5 декабря 2008

Толмачево intend to meet the two-million passenger.

The promotional event “The two-million passenger-2008” was started at Tolmachevo International Airport (Novosibirsk).

The two-million passenger in Post-Soviet Russia history at Tolmachevo International Airport will be fixed for the first time. The previous similar index of passenger traffic has been registered in 1992.

During last five few years at Tolmachevo Airport triumphantly met the million passenger. In 2002 year the million passenger has arrived to Airport in October, in 2003 - in September. The next four years the million passenger was fixed in Tolmachevo in August.

Meeting the million passenger of Tolmachevo Airport - 2007 " Tolmachevo Airport’s General Director – Mr. Alexei Chertenkov has noticed:

- I’m glad , that we meet the million passenger earlier than every previous year, and in 2008 we hope to see our the two-million passenger. It means, that passenger traffic in Tolmachevo Airport stably grows, and we willl continue to do the best efforts for increase of service level for our clients.

Passengers of any age and the social status paid ticket of airlines which flight in Tolmachevo can take part in promotional event “The two-million passenger-2008”. Employees of JSC “Tolmachevo Airport” and their relatives are not supposed to participation in the promotional event. Bbooking of the ticket don’t entitle for participation in this promotional event.

Potential “The two-million passenger-2008” will be presented valuable Prize and certificate for free-of-charge service in business-hall of Tolmachevo Airport till the end of 2009.


Tolmachevo International Airport is the largest airport complex in Siberia and Far East. Stable growth of passenger and cargo traffic during the last several years determined its inclusion in the list of the largest international air hubs of Russian transport system. The main shareholders are Russian Federation in face of Federal Agency for Managing of Federal Property – 51%, CJSC Depositor Clearing Company – 37.8%.

In 2007 the total amount of cargo and mail handled in Tolmachevo International Airport amounted 18,667 tons. The passenger traffic in 2007 increased up to 1,873.5 thousand people. In 2007 Company’s income amounted 2,867.072 million rubles.

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