
26 мая 2008

«Tolmachevo» Expands the international terminal.

Directors council JSC «Airport Tolmachevo» has approved the investment project «Construction of the block of expansion of air terminal of the international airlines», presented by a management of the airport.

Operating air terminal of the international air-lines (MVL) the airport « Tolmachevo » (Novosibirsk) functions since 1997, project throughput makes 450 passengers at an o'clock.

Development of the investment project and construction of the block of expansion MVL are caused by necessity of increase in throughput of the terminal in connection with growth of the international volume of passenger traffic in « Tolmachevo », requirements to improvement of quality of service of passengers, interest of the Russian and foreign airlines in performance of the international flights from the airport, a urgency of improvement of technological process of service of passengers (in particular, on the organization «A green corridor») And lack of the areas for service of arriving passengers.

It is expected, that with expansion of the international terminal throughput of station MVL will increase twice, and on the international direction to 2011 will exceed an annual volume of passenger traffic 650 thousand person. With end of civil and erection works on increase in the area of terminal MVL technologies of service of passengers of the international flights are improved, the degree of service and comforts of stay in the terminal of air passengers and visitors of air terminal will improve.

Project works on the block of expansion of the international terminal «Tolmachevo» Already go, delivery of object is planned by spring of 2009. The block of expansion will be an extension of a two-storied building of frame type, a total area 3 000 sq.m. (thus, the total area of terminal MVL will increase up to 9 300 sq.m.) .
On realization of the project «Construction of the block of expansion of air terminal of the international airlines» 180 934 thousand rbl. is planned to enclose.


An international airport «Tolmachevo» is the biggest transit junction (knot) between Europe and Asia. Technical possibilities allow to operate (serve, attend) every kind of air crafts (passengers and cargo). The main shareholders are Russian Federation in face of federal agency to manage federal property – 51%, ZAO «Depositor Clearing company» - 37,12%.

About 80 organizations realization cargo and passengers transportation thought the international airport «Tolmachevo». In airport work representatives more than 20 air companies. Last year the most popular international distances became CIS, China, Germany and UAE.

Amount of cargo and mail handling in international airport «Tolmachevo» in the year 2007 – 18 667,3 tons. Amount of passengers in the year 2007 – 1 873 496 people. Income for 2007 – 2 867 072 thousand rubles.

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