
4 февраля 2008

Tolmachevo airport status is confirmed by complex certificate.

Tolmachevo International airport has confirmed it's status of the high level enterprise in 2007 by complex certificate of compliance and several branch certificates for the airport activity performance.

Last year airport has got 7 certificates, the most important of them were the documents, which confirm the appropriate aviation security level. Search and rescue coordination center, aviation security service and medical service were also certified after inspection control. Besides, in 2007 JSC "Tolmachevo airport" got the next license to provide aviation security.

Certificate of Compliance is a document, which confirms, that a product complies to the quality and safety requirements, which are established by operating standards and rules. It is issued every three years when expired after the inspection control is being done. Certificate is a compulsory document, which provides operation of every branch enterprise.


Tolmachevo airport is the biggest transit hub beyond the Urals on the routes from Europe to Asia. Tolmachevo apron is classified as "A" class according to it's technical characteristics. Technical equipment allows airport to handle all types of passenger and cargo aircraft. Total cargo and mail handled at Tolmachevo airport in 2007 is 18, 667.3 ton. 1, 873, 496 passengers were handled at Tolmachevo in 2007. Revenue from aeronautical activity in 2007 is 900, 627.1 thousand rubles.

Main shareholders: Federal agency for Federal Property Management on behalf of Russian Federation – 51%, "Depository Clearing Company", CJSC. – 37.12%.

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