21 января 2008
Governor of Novosibirsk visited cargo terminal of Tolmachevo airport.
On January 15 Governor of Novosibirsk, Mr. Victor Tolokonsky, visited new cargo terminal of Tolmachevo airport.
As a result of the visit the Head of the region declared about the regional authorities intensions to “bound all the Siberian logistics on Novosibirsk”, which will become “the center of all aviation flows concentration” according to his words. “Now Tolmachevo airport administration and special departments of air navigation service have a task to make Tolmachevo an airport of category II. Now many aviation passenger- and cargo flows unfoundedly follow via Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: I am sure that considerable volume of that transit and direct conveyance we could accept (handle) at Tolmachevo airport. For this purpose the airport is to be equipped with new air navigation eqiupment to accept the aircraft in hard meteorological conditions and providing the airport standarts to the category 2. Airport administration is guaranteed from my side that in case of any official circumlocutions or doubts from the side of federal services, we will take a decision to finance the obtaining of this special navigation equipment from the budget of the region. These are heavy expences, but I am sure that they will be recompensated and become profitable for many spheres of region vital activity development,” – declared the Governor of Novosibirsk region.
According to the words of Victor Tolokonsky, on January 16 First Vice-Governor Vasily Yurchenko and Deputy Governor Vladimir Nikonov plan to discuss the perspectives of Tolmachevo International airport development and finishing the construction of Runway-2 with the representatives of Federal Authorities.