17 декабря 2007
Alexei Chertenkov: "I am sure in Tolmachevo perspectives".
Alexei Chertenkov, General Director of JSC "Tolmachevo airport" has commented the announcement of AirUnion management to create a nub on "Emelianovo" airport base.
"First of all I need to notice that transport policy was not paid any attention over the last twenty years. It is clear that nowadays Russia is behind the world community in transport infrastructure development, except it's railways. Meanwhile, qualitative economy appears only there, where the qualitative thruways are. It was realized both by state and private investors. As for the so-called existing competition between Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk airports for the right to be called 'Hub", I would avoid this word. Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk airports are both hubs in this or that way, and nobody will contest it. If the question is who is huger and bigger, we will see. There are enough passengers and cargo for everybody and I am absolutely fine with Krasnoyarsk announcements and plans what they want to be. But their desires do not make our's to be cancelled. At present time we have been realizing the General Plan of Company Development, approved by JSC "Tolmachevo airport" Board of Committee, Russian government and Novosibirsk region authorities. First of all, the Plan includes the construction of the biggest air transport hub beyond the Urals on Tolmachevo airport base. Besides total investments into the airport development, which are estimated to be more than 25 billion rubles, Tolmachevo unique geographical position also contributes to realization of these plans: airport is an optimal stopover point on the routes from South-Eastern Asia to Europe. Besides, several big European airports in the radius of 600-700 km are neighbouring without any harm to each other. So, each airport develops by it's own way, competition with Krasnoyarsk is adequate with our tasks and I have no doubts concerning Tolmachevo perspectives".