
17 декабря 2007

Tolmachevo opened Cargo Terminal.

Presentation of the first stage of Cargo Terminal at Tolmachevo International Airport took place on December 10.

First Vice-Governor Vasiliy Yurchenko, Vice-Governor Vladimir Nikonov, JSC "Tolmachevo airport" top-management and "Novosibirsk International Airport" Ltd. General Director Kyrill Pokrovsky took part at the ceremony.

- Now Tolmachevo has high-technology rooms, which meet modern requirements, and soon we will see some significant cargo air carriers here. Nowadays no other airport beyond the Urals has similar facilities, which Tolmachevo airport has, - emphasized Vasiliy Yurchenko.

Cargo terminal construction is the next step of General Plan of Air Transport hub Development realization on Tolmachevo airport base. General Plan Project realization includes the reconstruction of the existing aviation objects (runway, airport infrastructure, existing passenger terminal, etc.), construction of new passenger terminal, three-star and four-star hotels, carport, catering department, logistical and expo-centers.

Total costs of the project " Intermodal Cargo Terminal Construction " is 245 million rubles, about 25% of this amount will be invested from airport own funds, a part of investments will be financed by bank loan.

- It is a terminal, where the client can find the whole complex of cargo handling. I am sure that cargo air carriers will be more interested in our airport, - declared Kyrill Pokrovsky.

Cargo Terminal at Tolmachevo International Airport provides handling and storage of general freight as well as special cargo of any category, which is allowed to transport by air:
1. Valuables;
2. Diplomatic goods;
3. Dangerous goods;
4. Perishables.

Cargo terminal dimensions:
Cargo terminal total area – 11 178 square meters
Offices, canteen and personnel facilities total area – 4 428 square meters
Warehousing, technological and baggage handling facilities total area – 6 750 square meters.
Annual cargo traffic – 50 000 ton per year.
Cargo turnover – 300 ton per day.
Operating hours – 24 hours.

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