
24 июля 2007

Boeing chooses Tolmachevo Airport

New aircraft Boeing-777-300 ER has made a technical stop in Tolmachevo Airport. The new aircraft is flying according to the program "Global". Actually it is so to say breaking-in of all details of the most modern machine of one of the biggest world aircraft constructer. The equipment is breaking-in in all regions of the world –in hot weather, cold and high humidity environments.

During the interview Andrei Lobkin, general director of Tolmachevo Airport, noted "Boeing 777-300 ER is an aircraft of XXI century. It has fundamentally new engines that are considered to be the most powerful in the world. This aircraft is an adequate answer to the main Boeing's competitor -- Airbus Industry with A-340.

Tolmachevo Airport, one from a few, was chosen for two reasons:
1. Checking technical potential of the aircraft
2. 2. Developed technical infrastructure of Tolmachevo Airport allows receiving aircraft of such type.

Many airlines are refrain from operating in Siberian airports, being afraid of breakage and impossibility to quickly deliver spare parts. The flight of Boeing 777-300 ER, equipped with 3-4 device-reserved systems, showed that Russian airports are safe enough. The main thing we proved is that Tolmachevo airport is able to receive aircrafts of such type. That fact opens new opportunities for companies to use the shortest routes for passenger and cargo transportation between East and West, South and North.

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