24 июля 2007
Minister of transportation Levitin I.E. visits Tolmachevo airport
Minister of transportation Igor Levitin visited Novosibirsk on the 17th of March. Tolmachevo airport was one of the places he planned to visit during his business trip. Minister got acquainted with the process of reconstruction, visited local flights terminal and held the confer-ence where the perspectives of the JSC "Tolmachevo airport" were discussed.
As it was estimated by Andrey Lobkin, General Director of Tolmachevo, there is a need of not less than one billion rubles for the reconstruction of the first runway and 1.450 billions to finish the construction of the second runway.
Minister of transportation Igor Levitin declared that sources of funding for finishing the construction of the second runway had been already determined.
Victor Tolokonsky, the Governor of Novosibirsk Region, determined the terms of finishing the construction – in three years. The Head of the Region administration pointed out that after this the first runway would be closed for complete overhaul.
At the end of the meeting Igor Levitin was answering the journalists’ questions. “I think it is necessary to privatize the state share holding of Tolmachevo. It will al-low attracting additional investments to realize the concept of airport development”.
The Minister also proclaimed the idea of building a sec-ond terminal, since with the growth of passenger flow and construction of the second runway the terminal would not be able to handle the increased traffic.
“Airport needs a serious investor. We are ready to ex-clude airport from the list of strategic entreprises, which are not to be privatized, and to offer the state share holding for sale in the year of 2005” – declared Igor Levitin.