
24 июля 2007

Tolmachevo launches the system of controlled entry – "Park-time"

"Park-time", controlled entry to airport land side, has become one of the main projects of security improvement at Tolmachevo. "Park-time" will be working in test mode till summer and after determination of all the negative and positive points, it will be launched on permanent basis.

Controlled entry to the airport land side is a forced security measure. It was agreed by the regional Ministry of transportation, military and other institutions, which take part in development and implementation of anti-terrorism measures. Control principle is simple – as soon as the car passes between the turnstiles by the entrance to the airport landside, video system fixes the car and the driver. Then information conveys to the operators of aviation security service and Internal Affairs Administration placed on the airport area. This control system is based on the experience of airports of other countries and some Russian cities – Moscow, Ekaterinenburg and Vladivostok.

"Park-time" system is still working in test mode, but it is supposed to work on the permanent basis since summer. It is planned that free parking time on the airport land side should not exceed 15 minutes. If the time exceeds 15 minutes, the driver has to pay for it, but the fee is still not calculated. Together with paid parking, there will be parking place free of charge close to the terminal area.

Money gained from the paid parking will be directed for the maintenance of the airport security system, procurement of new equipment and accomplishment of the airport landside.

Measures taken by the airport management were also approved by the local government. According to Vladimir Nikonov, the Head of Department of transportation, communications and road management, Novosibirsk region administration: "as an airport is an important strategic object, security measures improvement is a necessity. This measure will allow establishing an order on the airport land side – it is not allowed to use a terminal area as a parking place first of all because of security consideration”.

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