24 июля 2007
Million passenger 2005
On the 18th of August at 5:00 a.m. Tolmachevo airport has registered its million passenger. It was a Novosibirsk citizen Galina Kovaleva flying to Moscow by Transaero.
Action “Million passenger” had been already held for the fourth time. Time of the action is regularly changed.
This year the winner of the action Galina Kovaleva was awarded with a digital camera Canon Ixus 700. The present and a certificate for the free servicing in buseness hall of the Tolmachevo airport to the end of the year were presented to her by the First Deputy General director Alexei Chertenkov. Representative of the Transaero airlines presented a Certificate for the servising in busines class of the aircraft.
“I study a probability theory, that is why I can understand how small were my chances to become a winner of this action among million of passengers, which are handled at Tolmachevo”, tells Mrs. Kovaleva, which is the Head of Department in Novosibirsk Institute of economics and Industry production organization.
Terms of holding this action show the annual growth of passenger flow via Tolmachevo. Million passenger is determined earlier and earlier every year. Thus, in 2002 million passenger was registered in October. Now specialists fix this index already in the middle of August.
First of all, increase of passenger flow is connected with the improvement of people’s welfare. More and more people can afford flying by air. One more reason of annual growth of passengerflow is the development of aviabusiness infrastructure. Thus, only during the last year a serious work for the terminal reconstruction was done, considerable investitions were directed for security system development, acquisition of new technics and airport land side accomplishment, implementation of the control system for the auto transport entry to the airport land side. It is also planned to finish the construction of the arrival terminal in autumn of this year.
According to the First Deputy General director Alexei Chertenkov: “if the quantity of handled passengers was 1539777 people in 2004, we expect the increase of this index in 2005. All these results are the base of the further airport development as the biggest aviation hub of Sibirien Region”.