
11 июля 2007

The system of electronic documents circulation LanDocs is successfully operates at Tolmachevo airport

The system of documents circulation LanDocs has been already used at Tolmachevo airport for more than two months. Before to make a decision about the choice of the electronic documents circulation system, there was a preliminary research conducted on the market of office work automation systems. "Siberian Project company" – the partner of LANIT company, the manufacturer of the documents management systems LanDOcs - was selected as a consultant and provider of the software.

The work for implementing the system of documents electronic circulation LanDocs was begun in July last year. During the exploitation the workgroup of the airport has developed the technology of electronic office work, equipped the working places, educated the personnel, adjusted the system to the technology of enterprise work, and introduced the mechanism of electronic signature. Along with the office work automation, airport specialists had issued the number of documents, which regulate not only the order of work, but also give instructions to the users how to work with the system, describing the basic office work operations step by step.

Introduction of the LanDocs system to the airport allowed to put the office work on order, exclude the procedure of double registration of the same documents and the possibility of their loss. Time spending for the search of needed documents in the archive was reduced, as well as the paper documents issue. The heads of the departments get the information about the tasks fulfillment regularly. Besides, automation of office work significantly increases the level of controllability of the enterprise as a whole.

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