
11 июля 2007

Preliminary investment amount of the Multimodal Hub Development Project on Tolmachevo International Airport basis has been determined

Obermeyer Consult Ltd. and Center Consult Ltd. have finished the working-out of the General Plan of Tolmachevo International Airport development. Besides, the consortium of consultants presented a General Business Plan of the Multimodal Hub Development project on Tolmachevo International Airport basis, as well as the business plans of some components of the project.

It is assumed that the total investment amount of the project will be over 20 billion rubles and the bulk of amount (over 11 billion rubles) will be directed to the airport renovation and improvement of the passenger service. During the reconstruction the aerodrome complex will be modernized and the passenger and cargo terminals, hotels and carport will be build. Project realization also assumes the construction of the expo- and congress centers, catering department, trade –recreative and logistics centers.

The final amount of investments will be determined after the business plans have been considered on the Committee of the Board, which will be held in February.

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