11 октября 2016
Postal Customs Point Appeared in Novosibirsk
A new subdivision of Novosibirsk Customs Office – Novosibirsk postal customs point opened in the International Mail Processing Center "Tolmachevo" (IMPC Tolmachevo) on 11 October.

Photo by Svetlana Balaeva
Minister of transport and road facilities of the Novosibirsk Region Sergey Titov, Head of the Novosibirsk Customs Office Valeriy Gukov, Head of Novosibirsk Postal Customs point Gennadiy Shakhov, Director of Siberia Macro-Region – FSUE Russian Post branch Nikolay Novoseltsev, General Director of JSC Airport Tolmachevo Evgeniy Yankilevich took part in the event.
Novosibirsk postal customs point will supervise transfer of goods in international mail in the premises of the largest mail processing point beyond the Urals.
The point was set up due to the necessity of improving the system of customs control over the annually growing volume of goods transfer in international mail (IM). In the first 9 months of 2016 IMPC Tolmachevo handled almost 12 million of international mail, which is 3.5 times more than over the same period last year. The main part of parcels (more than 90%) comes from China. As a rule, goods sent in IM are the orders of individuals from on-line shops.

Photo by Svetlana Balaeva
Before Novosibirsk postal customs point was set up customs control in IMPC Tolmachevo was exercised by 30 officers of the customs point of Novosibirsk Customs Office in Tolmachevo airport. When the point was set up the number of customs officers increased to 40 people. The point is equipped with all necessary technical means of customs control and has competence in customs operations for all types of international mail: small packages, parcels and EMS-mail.
Mail arriving by air is delivered to IMPC Tolmachevo right from the aircraft. Conveyor system of mail handling is used and all the stages of mail handling as well as the results of customs operations performed are recorded in the specialized software application. Improving control over compliance with standards of goods import within a calendar month to the address of one recipient is among the tasks assigned to Novosibirsk postal customs point. Customs point officers will use software application to control import standards.
Efficient handling of growing amount of mail in the International Mail Processing Center "Tolmachevo" would be impossible without serious modernization of the company's logistic structure. NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport within a framework of a joint project with FSUE Russian Post has invested more than $ 1.5 million of own funds by preparing a special premise of 2000 square meters equipped with necessary facilities and performed further modernization meant to improve capacity of IMPC.
"IMPC operation in Novosibirsk plays a big part for Siberia, it strengthens the value of the city and the region as a mail and logistic centre and is an important project for the development of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport", noted General Director of JSC "Airport Tolmachevo" Evgeniy Yankilevich at the opening of the customs point.
Developed route network of the airport connects Novosibirsk with the largest cities of China and Southeast Asia, providing full load of IMPC Tolmachevo facilities. Mail delivery is carried out by both base carriers of Tolmachevo airport and other Russian passenger and cargo airlines the airport cooperates with. Moreover, efforts are taken to involve new partners specializing in mail and freight logistics.
According to the Federal Postal Service Department in the Novosibirsk Region – the branch of FSUE Russian Post, automated sorting equipment will soon be installed by the Russian Post in the IMPC Tolmachevo, the number of registration and inspection lines will be increased from three to five. At the same time the IMPC staff will be expanded almost threefold, from 130 to 350 people. Modernization and improvement of capacity will allow to increase IMPC Tolmachevo facilities by more than 4 times – from 40 000 to 180 000 international mail per day as well as to reduce delivery time of the major part of parcels intended for Siberians through their receipt by direct flights performed from abroad to Novosibirsk. Investments in equipment amount to more than 300 million rubles.
NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity – up to 1300 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories.