
21 июля 2015

The Prime Minister of Russia Took Part in the Opening Ceremony of the International Terminal

The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev took part in the opening ceremony of the international terminal of NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport during his working visit to Novosibirsk.


During his visit to the Novosibirsk airport, Prime Minister inspected the renovated terminal, a crossing point on the State Border of the Russian Federation and commended the infrastructure for passenger services.


General Director of OJSC Airport Tolmachevo, Evgeniy Yankilevich, told Prime Minister about the main directions of the airport development, such as the creation of the transfer point, cargo and mail hub, as well as the implementation of the State development programs.

Also, the Prime Minister was acquainted with a plan of the airfield complex reconstruction at the airport. The project includes development of the flight area of Runway-2 with the construction of taxiways and other infrastructure provision, the reconstruction of the western part of the flight area of Runway-1 with the construction of passenger and freight aprons, and other upgrades.


The grand opening ceremony of the terminal was attended by the General Director of OJSC Airport Tolmachevo Evgeniy Yankilevich, the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Gorodetskiy, the Chief Federal Inspector in the Novosibirsk region Vadim Golovko, the Mayor of the Novosibirsk city Anatoly Lokot, the Mayor the Ob city Alexander Mozzherin, CEO of the NOVAPORT holding Sergei Rudakov, and CEO of S7 Airlines Vladimir Obyedkov.


NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport is the largest air hub in Russia east of the Urals on major transit routes between Europe and Asia. The capacity of domestic terminal makes up to 1,800 passengers per hour, while the international terminal capacity – up to 750 passengers per hour. The airport has two runways of ICAO I and II Categories. In 2014 the passenger traffic exceeded 3.9mln passengers and cargo traffic totalled 28.6 thousand tons of cargo and mail handled.

The Modernization of the international terminal of the NOVOSIBIRSK International Airport  (Tolmachevo) was completed in July 2015. The area of the terminal before the reconstruction was 10 000 square meters. During the works it has increased up to 27,000 square meters, capacity - from 750 to 1300 passengers per hour.

Design and preparatory works were carried out since November, 2012, major works – from May 2014.

Main stages of works:

The construction of administrative premises for accommodation of "Novosibirsk airport" border checkpoint with an area of 3,372 square meters;

The construction of the arrival block with a total area 3,522 square meters;

The construction of the central part of the terminal with a total area 15 834 square meters.

The airport has invested 1.7 billion rubles in the reconstruction of the terminal (including the cost of equipment). During the works the baggage system with two carousels with increased length and width of the strips were mounted in the arrival area. The system of passenger registration and baggage handling with three levels of inspection was installed in the departure area. The registration area has become an island-type and comprises two baggage lines with seven counters for each. Two additional telescopic bridges allowing handling of different types of aircraft was installed in the Terminal B (its number in the Terminal B has reached three). There were installed escalators, elevators, created accessible environment for comfortable stay of passengers with disabilities. In the future the international section of the terminal will be equipped with a business lounge and mother and child room, new duty free shops with total area of 1650 square meters. Also, the terminal was complemented with food court consisting of restaurants and bars with a total area of 650 square meters and children's playground (50 square meters). As a result was created a modern terminal and provided the groundwork for the further development of the Tolmachevo airport complex, with the possibility of further expansion of areas and combining the two terminals into a single building.

One of the essential steps of the modernization of the Terminal B is re-equipment of a crossing point on the State Border of the Russian Federation.

It is planned that by the end of 2015 with the federal funding from the Federal Agency on State Border Infrastructure Development of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa) the number of passport control booths will be increased threefold: from 6 to 17 for arrivals and from six to 18 for departures, in addition two booths will be equipped in the transfer hall.

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